Products tagged with 'dcm2023'

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No More Crumbs

No more sickness and lack. No more isolation and pandemic. No more fear and heartbreak. This is all yours because you are in a covenant that guarantees you a place of honor at the King’s table.
$40.00 $30.00

Days of Fire

Pastor Parsley has sought the face of the Lord for what is coming next for His people. The Holy Spirit pointed Pastor Parsley to the book of Acts. Pastor Parsley is believing that you and your loved ones will experience all the blessings God has for your life ... His presence, power, provision and so much more!

50 Moments of Pentecostal History

I want you to be inspired by reading this overview of Pentecostal history. What God did before, He is about to do again! What I see on the horizon is an earth-shaking, culture-shattering, and paradigm-shifting awakening that changes the 208 courses of nations and of history. I believe that such an awakening is more necessary now than at any point during my lifetime. I am convinced that it is vital so that the way will be prepared for the appearance of the Lord Jesus Christ.

What If There Were No Holy Spirit

Dr. Parsley reminds us that if the Holy Spirit was necessary at creation, He is just as important now. In wide, masterful brushstrokes he paints a vivid portrait of a world without the convicting power of the Holy Spirit which manifested dramatically in the early 1900s with signs and wonders following. Awaken to the reality of the Spirit of God that dwells within you today!

Power from Above

The experience of Pentecost is available today. If you have been born again, you can experience the infilling of the Spirit of God called the baptism in the Holy Ghost. God will fill you to overflowing with the power and presence of His Spirit.

The Mysteries of the Pentecost Power

God has seven truly amazing outpourings of the power of Pentecost prepared just for you: the promise of His presence, protection, power, provision, perfection, permanence, and peace! You can literally activate these blessings, as you activate your faith in Jehovah Joshua Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive the indwelling power of His Holy Spirit.