This eternity-altering sermon explains the who, what, where, why and, yes, WHEN of the Lord’s return — and it contains a powerful presentation of the Gospel message, which I’ll be praying brings your loved ones to Christ!
In No Dry Season, author Rod Parlsey shares a prophetic and uncompromising message for the end-times church. His undeniable interpretation of scripture will cause you to prepare with anticipation for the second coming.
You have been invited to a party, but it’s not like anything you have attended before. This is a party hosted by the King of kings and Lord of lords, and He wants you to be there. It will last for a thousand years, and after that, who can tell what kinds of special things He has in mind for those who are in attendance?
Fear has failed spectacularly. Love has triumphed gloriously. Jesus is calling all of us to demonstrate His victory over fear by living and walking in the freedom that rightfully belongs to all the sons and daughters of God.
Unlock the mystery of the return and reign of Jesus Christ and understand what He promised about the events surrounding the rapture. The Finale is a road map for living victoriously and fruitfully in the volatile days leading up to our glorious departure from earth. It is a guide for experiencing peace in the midst of our raging cultural storms. For the blood-bought, set-apart church of Jesus Christ, this can and should be our finest hour.