New Direction book

You have decided to follow Jesus! No turning back! No turning back! This is an essential reference tool for you to learn what it means to be called a Christian, connect to a local body of believers, and discover your purpose in the Kingdom of God. Order this FREE booklet, New Direction, to celebrate the choice you'll be glad you made when you stand before God.

I Have Decided…

Throughout the ages mankind has sought eternal life, never understanding that we are already eternal beings, destined to live forever somewhere. To live forever in a state of separation from God is a frightening thought. You can make sure that you are right with God by turning to Him and praying this prayer:

“God, I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I REPENT, and I ask you to forgive me of all my sin.

“I BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is your Son, that He shed His blood so I might be forgiven, that He rose again from the dead, and He is coming back again.

“I CONFESS Him now as my Savior. I will live for you as you show me how. Amen.”

By believing in Jesus Christ and receiving Him as your Savior, you will turn your life in a new direction. You can be at peace with God knowing you will live forever with Him.

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